Financial woes keep Kyoto covered with power lines Share
KYOTO — Kyoto authorities are dedicated to preserving its elegant townscape, but efforts to move power lines underground have stalled due to financial problems.
A project to put power lines underground along 24 routes — over a combined distance of 10.1 kilometers and at a cost of about ¥9 billion — has been shelved, with no prospects for the work to start. Given the snail’s pace of such activities in Kyoto, compared to other major cities, people connected with the tourist industry are wondering when things will get moving.
Current English Quiz
- COVID-19 sands for CO ________ VI ________ D _________ ____19
- 飽和潜水 s a t _ r _ t _ _ n _ i _ i n _
- 業務上過失致死 p r _ f _ s _ i _ _ a l n _ g l _ _ e _ _ e r e _ _ l t _ _ _ i n d _________
- 業務上過失致傷 ________________________________
- 武器貸予法 L _ n _ L _ _ s _ A _ _
※Current English Quiz 前回の解答
- COVID-19 sands for CORONA VIRUS Disease 2019
- 三密(密閉、密集、密接) 3Cs stands for Confined spaces, Closed places, and Close-contact settings
- 3K(キケン、キタナイ、キツイ)3Ds stands for Dangerous, Dirty and Demanding(difficult)
- 飛翔体 projectile
- ミサイルなどを打ち上げる launch
Translation Trial
Trail running has been in fashion recently, in which you run 2,000-meter-high mountains one after another.
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