

公開日:2022年09月26日 最終更新日:2022年10月02日




Helping disabled artists reach consumers

OSAKA — Efforts to support artistic endeavors by people with disabilities are gaining steam.

In addition to encouraging their participation in society, more products that demonstrate disabled people’s artistry and sense of design are hitting the market, with last year’s Tokyo Paralympic Games giving these initiatives even more momentum.




Current English Quiz 

  1. 小選挙区                             s ______ s ______ c ______         
  2. 比例代表制                          p ______   r ______
  3. 猛暑 (  )                            a. bowling              b. broiling              c. blowing
  4. 酷暑 (  )                            a. smelling             b. sweltering         c. smoothing
  5. 炎暑 (  )                            a. blowing              b. boiling               c. bowling
  6. 極暑 (  ) hot                      a. plastering           b.  blustering         c. blistering
  7. ゲリラ豪雨 (localized) (  ) (rain)  a. talent           b. torrential            c. torrent
  8. 土砂降り(  )                         a. downpour          b. downpool           c. pourdown
  9. 豪雨 (  )                             a. delugen             b.  deluge              c. demuge   

※Current English Quiz 前回の解答

  1. 参議院                 1) Upper House         2) House of Concealers
  2. 比例代表制           proportional representation
  3. 小選挙区            single-seat constituency
  4. 給付金詐欺         benefit fraud
  5. 呪いの(藁)人形    hex doll
  6. 猛暑                    sweltering

Translation Trial




It is unlikely that AI takes over all human jobs in ten years. (14words)

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