“Address hopping” has become the latest Japanese buzzword of choice among a growing contingent of those with wanderlust who eschew the stability of a fixed address in order to travel from place to place.
With no clear-cut definition, the term has been co-opted to describe a diverse range of living arrangements, from itinerant travelers who bunk up exclusively in temporary lodgings, to people who still own or rent a permanent home they can return to after stints on the road.
The phenomenon is similar to the digital nomad movement, championed by remote workers who jet around the world to live wherever there are picturesque views and a fast Wi-Fi connection.
Current English Quiz
- 猛暑 b __ o __ l __ n __
- 酷暑 s w __ l __ e __ __ __ g
- 炎暑 b o __ __ i n g
- 極暑 ( ) b l __ s __ e __ i __ __
- ゲリラ豪雨 l __ c __ l i__ e __ t __ r __ __ n __ i __ l r __ i __
- 土砂降り d __ w __ __ o __ r
- 豪雨 d __ l __ __ e
※Current English Quiz 前回の解答
- 比例代表制 proportional representation
- 猛暑 broiling
- 酷暑 sweltering
- 炎暑 boiling
- 極暑 blistering hot
- ゲリラ豪雨 localized torrential rain
- 土砂降り downpour
- 豪雨 deluge
Translation Trial
※前回の問題と解答例 (正しいとは限りません)
Figure skating is one of sports in which your lack of height doesn’t work against you(16words).
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