Indonesian uses puppets to teach threat to world’s rarest rhinos
INDRAMAYU, Indonesia (AFP-Jiji) — In a small Indonesian fishing village, a man with a fake rhino head perched atop his own puts on a puppet show for a group of eager children.
Former teacher Samsudin is educating the kids about the plight of the critically endangered Javan rhino — the world’s rarest — using cardboard figures, comical expressions and exaggerated voices to spread his message of conservation one story at a time.
The 50-year-old asks the children in the West Javan village of Indramayu to mimic the animals, and teaches them the importance of guarding the forest and the wildlife unique to it.
Barely=101% almost=99%
catch the train/ reach the goal/ succeed/ win the game
- narrowly win the game 勝ち/負け/引き分け
- almost win the game 勝ち/負け/引き分け
- narrowly avoided falling off 落ちた/落ちなかった
- barely avoided falling off 落ちた/落ちなかった
- almost avoided falling off 落ちた/落ちなかった
- nearly missed the train 間に合った/間に合わなかった
- almost missed the train 間に合った/間に合わなかった
※Current English Quiz 前回の解答
- 猛暑 broiling
- 酷暑 sweltering
- 炎暑 boiling
- 極暑 blistering hot
- ゲリラ豪雨 localized torrential rain
- 土砂降り downpour
- 豪雨 deluge
Translation Trial
Hokkaido is totally different from other parts of Japan in terms of climate and vegetation, making it fun to travel around in it.(24words)
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