

公開日:2023年08月31日 最終更新日:2023年09月06日



Govt designates missile attack evacuation sites, but few know where they are

With North Korea stepping up its launching of ballistic missiles in Japan’s direction, local governments nationwide are rushing to designate facilities to serve as temporary evacuation sites in cases of emergency.



【Current English Quiz】a.  b. c.とあるのは、1つを選んでください。短い下線にはアルファベットを1つずつ入れてください。

  1. 戴冠式  colonation b. coronation  c. crownation
  2. Chat GPT stands for

    G _ n _ r a t _ v_  P _ e-t r _ i _ e_  T r a _ s f _ r m e _


  1. AI stands for A _ t _ f i _ i _ l I n_ e _ _ i _ e _ _ e
  2. 統一地方選 u n _ f _ e _ l _ c _ l  e _ e _ t _ _ n _




Translation Trial (次回までの課題)



※前回の問題と解答例 (正しいとは限りません)


The recent trend to get married late may be attributed to the fact that many young people are worried about their future incomes.  (23 words)





【Current English Quizの答え】

  1. 戴冠式         b. coronation   
  2. Chat GPT stands for  G e n e r a t i ve  P r e-t r a i n ed  T r a n s f o r m e r


  1. AI stands for  A r t i f i c i a l  I nt e l l i g en c e
  2. 統一地方選 u n i f i e d  l o c c l   e l e c t i o n s



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