Stylish, multifunctional crossbody smartphone bags prove big hit
Carrying your smartphone in a mini crossbody case is both a functional and stylish way to keep your hands free. Cell phone crossbody bags, which can be worn around the neck or across the body, have become so popular that they are seen frequently on the streets.
【Current English Quiz】a~cから日本語に合うものを選んで ( ) に入れて下さい。
- リニアモーターカー ( ) a. linear motor vehicle b. mugleg c. maglev
- IQ stands for Intelligence ( ) a. Question b. Quotient c. Quality
Translation Trial (次回までの課題)
※前回の問題と解答例 (正しいとは限りません)
They say that you should do stretches after working out in order not to have muscle pain the following day, but it’s difficult even to stretch yourself properly unless you’re used to it.
so that~は良いが、未来形と組み合わせるように。
in order not to~も良いが文語体。使い過ぎに注意。
【Answers for Current English Quiz】
- リニアモーターカー (c. maglev)
- IQ stands for Intelligence (b. Quotient )
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