公開日:2020年09月29日 最終更新日:2022年07月05日
登録元:「中野SW英語サークル 【英語学習(中級)】」
'Easy Japanese' helps foreign residents get information in emergencies
The Japan News, May 29, 2020
How should public information from governments, which directly affects people's lives and safety, be conveyed to foreigners living in Japan? This is increasingly important as the impact of the new coronavirus spreads.
It may be commonly thought that such information is best conveyed in English, but that's not necessarily the case....
【Current English Quiz】※解答は次回
1. 感染 (_ n _ _ c _ i _ n)
2. 消毒 (_ i _ _ n _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
3. 換気 (v _ _ _ i l a _ _ _ n)
4. 一時的流行 ( ) a. pandemic b. endemic c. epidemic
5. 陣中見舞い ( ) money a. endowment b. endorsement c. encouragement
6. 贈収賄事件 (b _ i b _ _ y) (c _ _ e)
7. 連座制 guilt-by-( ) a. alliance b. association c. accessory
8. 零細店 (m _ m)-and-(_ o _) store
9. 人間のクズ ( ) a. riff-raff b. flip-flop c. pitter-patter
10. 暴露本 (t _ l _)-(a _ _) book
11. ボウガン ( ) a. bowgun b. crossbow c. bow and arrow
12. 3密=密集・密接・密着 (C _ o _ e d) (s p _ c _ s), (C r _ _ d _ d) (p _ a _ _ s), and (C _ _ s e)-(c o _ t _ c _) settings
13. 3K(キケン・キタナイ・キツイ) の仕事=3D job (D_________), (D____) and (D________)
1. across-the-board cash handout 2. patient with moderate case 3. untraceable case 4. fugitive 5. This law has no teeth. 6. furlough 7. gubernatorial election 8. mayoral election 9. sitting 10, Aezis Ashore 11. Aegian Sea 12, partial eclipse 13. summer solstice
【Translation Trial】※解答例は次回
The wife closely questioned her husband where and with whom he had been the night before and he was at a loss for an answer. (26 words)
【Listening Quiz】
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