公開日:2022年04月15日 最終更新日:2022年07月05日
「エリート」杉が林業を変える |
【英文記事輪読】 ‘Elite trees’ may help transform Japan’s forestry (Tue., Jan. 11, 2022) The Japan News SAGA -The government is trying to promote a new variety of Japan cedar that grows 1.5 times faster than conventional cedar and produces less pollen. The new cedar variety, called “elite trees,” is expected to lead to increased production and reduce the burden on forestry workers, a sector chronically short of human resources. ※全文はこちら⇒ https://japannews.yomiuri.co.jp/politics/government/20220110-9601/ |
Current English Quiz 解答は次回 |
1. まん延防止等重点措置 q________ p________ m_________ 2. SWIFT stands for S_______ for W________I _______ F_______ T_______ 3. 排他的経済水域 E x________ E c________ Z________ 4. 大陸間弾道弾 I________ C________ B________ M________ 5. 確定申告 f________ t________ r________ 6. 確定申告をする ( ) a t_________ r________ a. sue b. finish c. file ) 7. 源泉徴収 w___t___h___l___i___g at s________ 8. 配偶者控除 s p___u___e t___ ___ d___d___c___i___ ____ 9. 減価償却 ( ) a. deprivation depression c. depreciation 10. 扶養控除 d___p___n___e___t d___________ ※前回の問題と解答 1. まん延防止等重点措置 q___ a___ i e m___r___e___ ___y p r ___o ___i___ ____ m ___a___u___ ___ s 2. 濃厚接触 c l ___ ___ e c o ___t ___ ___ t 3. 人道回廊 h___ m___ ___ i ___ a ___i ___ n c o____ r____d ___r 4. 核のボタン nuclear ( ) a.baseball b. basketball c. football 5. 国際銀行間通信協会 SWIFT stands for S o___i___t y for W___r___ ___ w___d I n ___e____b ____n k F___n___n___i___l T___l___c____ ____m u ____i c ___t____o____s 1. quasi emergency priority measures 2. close contact 3. humanitarian corridor 4. c. football 5. Society Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications |
Translation Trial 解答例は次回 | 少し前なら首が飛ぶような失言をしても、居直る大臣ばかりなのは嘆かわしい(中級)。 |
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