なかの学び場ステーション中野SW英語サークル 【英語学習(中級)】活動報告2022年4月10日例会報告


公開日:2022年04月15日 最終更新日:2022年07月05日

木製の歩道、 視覚障害者や環境にやさしく 【英文記事輪読】
Wooden sidewalk designed to help blind, environment
(Mon., Jan. 17, 2022) The Japan News

FUKUOKA - The idea came to him after his grandmother lost her eyesight. Instead of a sidewalk of asphalt, could one be made with something else that is safer for the visually impaired? The answer was wood, which also made it eco-friendly.

Current English Quiz 前回の解答 なし

1. まん延防止等重点措置 q________ p________ m_________
2. SWIFT stands for
S_______ for W________I _______ F_______ T_______
3. 排他的経済水域 E x________ E c________ Z________
4. 大陸間弾道弾 I________ C________ B________ M________
5. 確定申告 f________ t________ r________
6. 確定申告をする
( ) a t_________ r________ a. sue b. finish c. file )
7. 源泉徴収 w___t___h___l___i___g at s________
8. 配偶者控除 s p___u___e t___ ___ d___d___c___i___ ____
9. 減価償却 ( ) a. deprivation depression c. depreciation
10. 扶養控除 d___p___n___e___t d___________

1. quasi priority measures
2. Society Worldwide Interbank Finance Telecommunications
3. Exclusive Economic Zone
4. Inter Continent Ballistic Missals
5. final tax return
6. file a tax return
7. withholding at source
8. spouse tax deduction
9. depreciation
10. dependent deduction
Translation Trial 解答例は次回 科学者たちは、宇宙に旅行したり

It is regrettable that we have only such ministers who shrug off their verbal blunders that could have cost them their posts not so long ago.


Wooden sidewalk
