公開日:2022年10月23日 最終更新日:2022年11月10日
Toy industry makes the leap to gender neutrality
Children’s toys are becoming more and more gender neutral, with signs that read “For boys” or “For girls” disappearing from toy stores. Shelves are being stocked with new products suitable for both boys and girls. And an environment is being created where children no longer have to give up the play activities they like because of their gender.
Current English Quiz
- 核拡散防止条約 NRT stands for N _ c _ _ _ r N _ n p r _ l _ f _ _ a _ i o _ T _ e _ _ _
- アフリカ開発会議 TICAD stands for T _ k _ o I _ t _ r _ a _ i _ n _ _ C _ n _ e _ e _ c _ on A _ _ _ c _ n D _ _ e _ o _ _e _ t
- 内閣改造 c _ b _ n _ _ r _ s _ _ _ f _ e
- 国葬 s _ a _ e f _____
- 霊感商法 s _ i _ i_ u _ _ s _ l _ s
※Current English Quiz 前回の解答(太字が答え)
- narrowly win the game 勝ち/負け/引き分け
- almost win the game 勝ち/負け/引き分け
- narrowly avoided falling off 落ちた/落ちなかった
- barely avoided falling off 落ちた/落ちなかった
- almost avoided falling off 落ちた/落ちなかった
- nearly missed the train 間に合った/間に合わなかった
- almost missed the train 間に合った/間に合わなかった
Translation Trial
It is impossible for anyone to be able to speak a foreign language in a year.