なかの学び場ステーション中野SW英語サークル 【英語学習(中級)】活動報告語学2022年12月11日例会報告


公開日:2023年01月29日 最終更新日:2023年02月04日




Experts warn drone pilots of bird attack risks 

During a drone delivery trial in Shiso, Hyogo Prefecture, in March, a 3.6-kilogram device carrying a bento boxed lunch was surrounded by birds that appeared to be black kites. The pilot took evasive action to avoid a collision and the birds eventually dispersed, but other drones have not been so lucky.




Current English Quiz 

  1. 番狂わせ   ① __ i __ __ t    __ i l __ i __ __               ② u __ s __ __
  2. 総当たり制 r o __ n d (    )     a. rob            b. robbing          c. robin
  3. 決勝トーナメント     k __ o c __ o __ t   stage
  4. 更迭する  __ i s __ i __ s
  5. 徴用工(  )worker        a. requiescat         b. requisitioned         c. required
  6. あおり運転   t __ i __ g __ __ i __ g
  7. 国葬  s __ a __ __    __ u __ e __ __ l 

Translation Trial



※前回の問題と解答例 (正しいとは限りません)


Hokkaido attracts as many visitors in winter as in summer, since the prefecture’s snowscape is one of its appeals. (20 words)

