公開日:2020年09月30日 最終更新日:2022年07月05日
【英文記事講読】「金魚すくい大会が世界の注目を浴びる」(489 words) |
Goldfish scooping contest in Japan catches global interest The Japan News, August 26, 2020 YAMATOKORIYAMA, Nara -- The 25th National Championship of Goldfish Scooping was held on Aug. 18 in Yamatokoriyama, Nara Prefecture, one of the top goldfish-producing cities in Japan, boasting annual shipments of about 60 million. Goldfish scooping, a popular feature at summer festivals, has become a competition. The event began in 1995, organized by the national goldfish scooping federation and the city government. To keep up with globalization, the latest competition added an English subtitle, the “Goldfish Scooping World Championship,” and the contest is promoted with the phrase “The world champion will be decided here in Yamatokoriyama.” A video explaining the game’s rules was newly subtitled in English. ※全文はこちら→ https://newsinfo.inquirer.net/1158867/goldfish-scooping-contest-in-japan-catches-global-interest |
【Current English Quiz】※解答は次回 |
1. 感染する get (________) 2. 殺菌する (d________) 3. 3密=密集・密接・密着 (C_____) (s_____), (C______) (p_____), and (C____) (c______) settings 4. 猛暑 (s c _ _ c _ i n g) 5. 酷暑 (s w _ l _ e _ i n g) 6. 激暑 (b l _ s _ e _ i n g) 7. 炎暑 (b _ i _ i n g) 8. 残暑 (l _ n _ e _ i n g) summer heat 9. 大雨 (d _ w _ _ o _ _) 10. 豪雨 (t o _ _ e _ _ _ _ _) rain 11. 土砂降り (d _ l _ _ e) 12. 括弧内を並べ替えて「五番勝負」となるように。 (of, series, five, best, in) ※但し不要な語が一つ紛れています。また、2カ所にハイフンが必要。 (___________________) 13. 潰瘍性大腸炎 (u l _ e _ a _i _ e) (c o l i t _ _) ※前回の解答 1. get infected 2. disinfect 3. sterilize 4. pandemic 5. encouragement money 6. guilt-by-association 7. accessory 8. Closed spaces, Crowded places, and Close contact settings 10, plastic shopping bag 11, panel of experts 12, nonessential, nonurgent outings 13, downpour 14, torrential rain 15, linear precipitation bands 16, PCR stands for Polymerase Chain Reaction |
【Translation Trial】※解答例は次回 |
・先月は妻と2回激しく夫婦げんかをしたけれど、今月は全然していない。(初級) ※前回の解答例(必ずしも正しいとは限りません) In this picture, a woman pretends she's supporting the Leaning Tower of Pisa with her right hand. But, in reality, standing far in front of the actual structure, she appears large while the 186-foot bell tower looks much smaller in comparison. Tourists from around the world love to take photos of themselves with it using the forced perspective approach. (59 words) |
【Listening Quiz】 |
NHK英語ニュースから穴あきディクテーション ※略 |
![]() a school of goldfish |
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